This post has special meaning to me because both of my sons are active military- younger one is Navy, older one is Army. Over the years, my Navy son has been on three deployments (all three during the holiday season) and he has told me of troops that don't get anything from home during the holidays. It's heartbreaking to hear this. I always sent packages to my son and he shared with those who didn't get any, so I always tried to send extra. I don't know if their families didn't know they could send packages or that they couldn't afford it.
I did not grow up in a military family. I had no concept of the sacrifices these military families make! The worry, the loneliness, the empty chair at the table, sending packages, waiting for that phone call just to hear that they are okay.....
There are so may ways to make a difference to these men and women. To let them know that they aren't forgotten at this time:
1. Thank a veteran when you meet one.
2. If there is a military family in your neighborhood, bring them a care package or mail them a card.
3. Say a prayer for them all.
4. If you have a relative in your family deployed, get their address and send them a package or card- mail before December 10, 2012. They should get it in time for the holidays. (I have a nephew in Afghanistan now- he'll be getting a package too)
5. I found this website that has many more ways to show your support. http://www.dcmilitaryfamlife.com/profiles/blog/show?id=6500790%3ABlogPost%3A6142
My son looked forward to getting those packages. Being on a ship or in a desert for months at a time is hard and they look forward to anything from home! Can you imagine the joy that a simple card could bring to any of them?