Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vacation Over

     My vacation has come to and end, so it's back to work.  I have been very blessed to have the opportunity to spend three weeks with my son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren on the east coast!  My son is active military (Army), still stateside. 

     My husband and I flew there, he stayed a week and had to fly back.  I decided to stay an extra two weeks while the kids were on summer break from school.  We did quite a bit while we were all together....the aquarium, the zoo, the beach.  My son and my husband got to do some fishing, caught a few fish too.  The Carolina's are beautiful!

The Aquarium
The Zoo
The Beach

     After my husband flew home, our big project was to get the youngest grandchild potty trained!  By the time I left, she was doing pretty well during the day.  Night training will come a little later.

     My oldest granddaughter had a list of things she wanted to do while I was there....  It included baking (she has been baking with me since she was able to sit on the counter next to me), she wanted to show me how to crochet, how to make friendship bracelets, etc. 

     We all played games, had a tea party, planted flowers, went to the park and the library.  Played in the sprinkler outside, watched movies, rode bikes.  How much fun can we cram into these three weeks!  These are the things we used to always do when they lived nearby. 

     My grandson is interested in the Avengers (and any other superhero) and Lego's.   I am so glad there are movies like that available to him.  All children need heroes to look up to!

     Saying goodbye is always hard.  My granddaughter held my hand on the way to the airport.  Don't cry.....

     I am so used to them living in the same town.  It's been an adjustment the past couple of years to have them far away.  Skype has been a godsend.  That and the fact that my Navy son is stationed here in Louisiana-  He couldn't come with us on  this trip. I do get to see him about every other weekend though!  It seems like my sons take turns living here...LOL. One moves away, the other comes back.

     The life of a military family.....





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