Sunday, July 7, 2013

Eggplant Dressing

    One of our favorite side dishes is rice dressing.  There is a twist to that recipe if you want something with a little different flavor.  When the garden starts supplying us with more eggplant than I know what to do with, I add it to my rice dressing! 

    I am always looking for ways to sneak vegetables into our diet.  Because the eggplant is chopped so fine, no one will know it's in there!  

    I love to serve this with baked chicken (or fried), but you could serve it with whatever meat you choose.

Eggplant Dressing

1 lb. Savoie's Dressing Mix
1-2 cups eggplant - peeled and chopped
1 cup water
1-2 cups cooked rice

Put eggplant in a food processor and chop fine.  Add dressing mix and eggplant to large pot. Add water. Let cook approx. 20-30 minutes.  Add more water if needed.  Mix in rice, let heat a few minutes and serve.


Note:  I will be on vacation for the rest of July.  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!  See you in August...