Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!

     Before life gets too crazy the next couple of days, I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!  I have been busy preparing for the holiday myself.  It will be a wonderful day.  I will have my husband, both military sons and my grandchildren here!  

     I am so blessed to be able to spend the holidays with them all.   I hope you get to spend the holidays with friends and family also!  That's what I love most about Christmas...

     The menu will be deer roast, turkey, rice dressing, green bean casserole, and dinner rolls.  For dessert, we'll have zucchini brownies, cupcakes, candy turtles, and finger cookies.  Most of those recipes are on this blog if you'd like to check them out.

     There will be more posts coming after the holidays.  Until then.....

Merry Christmas!!!



Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Promise

I recently returned from my trip to visit my son and his family.  Now, it's been a mad dash to get everything ready for Christmas! I hadn't put up the tree or any decorations before I left.

We did celebrate Christmas with the grandchildren while I was there, so I don't have as many presents under the tree this year.

Last year, I made a promise that I wouldn't go overboard with gifts for the grandchildren.  I am happy to report that I stuck to my promise!  I bought them each two gifts and didn't spend a fortune on each gift.  I set a limit and stuck to it.  The kids were happy with what they got - they were things they had asked for.

When all is said and done, most children don't care how much you spend.  They are just happy to open presents.  I challenge you to do the same!  We are all bombarded with commercials, etc. to buy more and more stuff....  Think really hard about what they want, and only buy those things.  Less is more!!! 

Sometimes we get upset when they open a present and then just toss it aside to open the next one....does this sound familiar? The fewer gifts they have, the more they will appreciate the gifts they did receive. (Just make sure it is something they really like and want.)

Have you tried this? I 'd love to hear from you!

We should be enjoying this time of year, don't stress yourself out.  Do what you can to make it easier on yourself so you can enjoy spending time with your family!  

Monday, November 24, 2014

Recovering Soldier Christmas Cards

  I recently found about about this program and thought I'd share it with you...There are many recovering soldiers in hospitals that need to be reminded that they haven't been forgotten.  It's such a small thing, but will have a huge impact on a soldier this Christmas!

Send a Christmas Card (or more than 1) to:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue
NW Washington, DC 20307-5001

Please send what you can.  I have already sent some. Our military have made a huge sacrifice for our freedom.  Even one card would brighten their day!

As a military mom, I thank you!

Thanksgiving Dinner and No Shopping

  I am sure many of you are preparing for Thanksgiving dinner.  We celebrated ours this past weekend at the camp, because I will be visiting my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren for a couple of weeks. (I will not be posting again until mid December.)  We had the usual turkey, yams, homemade bread, rice dressing, and of course, pumpkin pie!

I wanted to show you how easy thanksgiving can be if you are hosting the dinner.  There are many ways and shortcuts to get dinner ready!  I did most of it the day before.  I cooked the turkey the day before we went to the camp. I only have a toaster oven there, so needless to say, a turkey wouldn't fit!  I also baked the loaf of bread and the pumpkin pie.

Sunday, I cooked the yams, and the rice dressing.   Then it was just a matter of microwaving the turkey and slicing the bread!

 The turkey looks a little funny, but it was very good! Seasoned, baked at 350 degrees for 3-4 hours.

 I love sweet potatoes! Drained juice, added a little brown sugar and butter, heated, then mashed.

Made this loaf of bread from frozen bread dough! Easy...

I found this really easy pumpkin pie recipe.  It was delicious!

Pumpkin Pie

1 can pumpkin
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2 beaten eggs
pinch salt
1 pie shell
cool whip topping

Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs and salt.  Pour into pie shell.  Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce to 350 degrees for 40 minutes.  Let cool.  Top with cool whip.

Don't be intimidated by cooking for the holidays. Do what you can, make it easy on yourself.  It's all about spending time with family anyway!!!

On a more personal note....

I understand people have traditions such as Black Friday shopping.  Now the stores have started earlier- Thanksgiving Day. I will not be shopping on Thanksgiving! I think all people should be able to spend that day with family. Stores have practically 364 other days of the year to make money.

 We should be able to devote at least 1 day a year to be thankful for family and what we already have!  

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tony Chachere's Seasoning

This is my all time favorite seasoning!   I use it on almost everything.  It's inexpensive and easy to use.  So, just in case you've seen it in some of my recipes, and didn't know what it was or where to get it,  I thought I'd show you the link to their website!

You can order your own and have it delivered to your front door.  There are also a few recipes on the website for you to try.  Add some spice to your life and get yours today!


Friday, October 24, 2014

Catfish Balls

     Recently my husband and son went fishing and they caught a couple of  catfish.  One of them was pretty big and fatty.  I fried the first batch, but the catfish was so fatty that we didn't really like it.  I don't care how much ketchup we used!   So, this time, I decided to try a garfish ball recipe.  I just substituted the catfish instead.  Tasted much better!

     Catfish Balls

1 lb. catfish - cut into chunks
1 chopped onion
1  clove garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1-2 slices bread - broken into chunks (or use 1/2 c bread crumbs)

Put catfish chunks into food processor.  Pulse until chopped into smaller pieces.  Add rest of ingredients and mix until blended.  Heat up about 1/2-1 " oil in frying pan.  Using ice cream scoop, make small round balls.  Drop into 350 degree hot oil.  Cook approximately 4 minutes on each side.  I served it with roasted potatoes and a side salad.  Serves 2.

To make roasted potatoes, I just chopped two potatoes into cubes.  Pour a little olive oil in skillet, brown and cook on low until soft.

We liked the fatty fish much better this way.  They would be great for appetizers or finger foods too!  You may want to try your favorite fish for this recipe...


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Old VHS Tapes - A Priceless Gift?


     Last year, I was cleaning out closets and came across a bunch of old VHS tapes of my kids.  I wanted to put them on DVDs, but the cost of bringing them somewhere was too much.  I had about 40 tapes! I think the cost was about $25 dollars each...not going to happen!  So, I went online and found a program for $50 called Honestech VHS to DVD 5.0 Deluxe.

     After I received it a few days later, I set it all up. It was really simple to do!  Don't be intimidated.  You do need a VCR or your video recorder.

     Then the stroll down memory lane began!  I documented 30 years of our families life.  There was a lot of laughing and crying involved..... How long did it take, you ask?  About two months! When it was all said and done, we each had about 24 DVDs.  (You can make several copies at a time before moving on to the next tape. You can't go back once you've burned the DVDs, so make as many copies that you need at that time.)

     It's not hard to copy to DVD.   Basically, you just turn on the VHS tape, press record on the Honestech program and let the tape run.  Press stop when finished.  Make copies to DVD.  Done!

     Part of the reason there were so many DVDs is because of all the extracurricular activities the boys were in.  Mostly baseball and band.  Add in all the videos of normal everyday life and you end up with a lot.  Even if you don't have that many, do it anyway!  You would be preserving family history.

    This is my stack.  On the back of the envelope, I wrote the year and what was on it.  For our children, I put their DVDs in a case.

     It was part of our children's Christmas presents last year. I wanted them to have copies so that if anything happened to our house, ( we do live near the Gulf of Mexico - hurricanes!) all would not be lost.  Now, they each have a record of their lives.

     What a priceless gift you can give to your family! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Home Buying Tips


 Several years ago, I had a job as a Realtor.  It's not the easiest job to have, let me tell you!  You are on call 365 days a year/ 24 hours a day.  I know many people think they make a lot of money.  Some do, many don't make very much.  There were a lot of phone calls, showings, open houses, etc. that you don't really get paid to do.  Realtor's don't get paid until closing day.  That being said, I learned a lot!

  I do have some tips to share with you.  I have nothing to gain financially by sharing this.  These are things I would tell my clients that were house hunting here in Louisiana.  Your state may be different, so check with a local Realtor.

1- When getting pre-approved, I personally would only include the highest income in the family.  Why?  Think of the future.  One of you could lose your job, you could have a baby and maybe mom wants to stay home.  If you based your income on both of you and bought a home at that price range, it would cause some financial hardship!
 Yes, I know that would mean a smaller, less expensive home, but very few people really need a huge home.  Unless you have MANY children or a multi - generational household!

2-Get estimates on house insurance, and property taxes on the house that you are interested in.  Insurance goes up pretty often, and property taxes are reassessed every four years.  That means you pay more every month!  If you are maxed out on your mortgage payments because you bought the high end of what the bank said you could, you may be in trouble...

3-Really think about your lifestyle...
- Do you want to have time to enjoy your life, or do you want to be stuck with a large mortgage?
 -If you like to take vacations, have medical issues, children in extracurricular activities, etc. you may want to   consider a smaller mortgage. ( You never know what life will throw at you, so you need to have a safety  net..)
-Can you manage with a smaller, less expensive house?
- Do you REALLY need a 3000 square foot home? You do realize that you have to clean it too! (Or pay a  housekeeper to do it - which adds to the monthly bill...)

4-If you are a buyer, you should have a Realtor.  It doesn't cost you anything, because the seller usually pays their commission.  They are there to support you and look after your interest.  They know things you may not have even thought about!

5-Home inspections - Some banks require a termite inspection, but not a home inspection.  They are well worth the costs. You don't want any surprises after you've spent all of your money buying your home!  If you can get a home warranty for a year or two until you get some money saved again, take advantage of that.  I have had clients that had the air conditioner go out within weeks of buying their new home.  The home inspector checked it out and it was fine at the time, but they can't predict the future!

These are some of my most important tips - I'm sure I will think of more after this post.  Feel free to ask questions or share any tips of your own!

 I hope they help you!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Banana Nut Popsicles

      We are having typical September weather here in Louisiana....Temperatures in the low 90's, heat index of about 100.   Whew- It's time to cool off!

     I wish I could have ice cream everyday, but that's probably not a good idea.  So here's a different option.  OK, maybe not as good as ice cream, but it'll have to do!

Banana Nut Popsicles

2 ripe bananas
1/4 cup milk
1/4  cup peanut butter
3 T. honey

*optional - 1/4 cup chocolate chips - chopped (For the days you really need something chocolate!)

      Put all ingredients in food processor or mix by hand.  Pour into popsicle molds. Makes about 6 small.  Freeze a few hours or overnight.

     To get them out of the mold, run hot water on the bottom part of the mold for a few seconds. They will slip right out.

****Kids can help with these too!  

Refreshing and delicious-  I hope you enjoy them!

What's your favorite popsicle flavor?

Friday, August 29, 2014



    I know with everyone's busy life, that we usually just focus on the negative things going on in our lives.  For the past few years, I have been trying to live a life of gratitude.  I know it can be hard!  We are bombarded with a lot of negativity.  Just look at the news for example.  Very seldom do you see anything positive.

     How do you change your outlook?  If you focus more on the positive things in life, that's what you get more of!  Every morning or before bed, find at least one thing to be thankful for.  If you can think of more, great...  The more, the better!

 Here are a list of things that will help you get started:

* Family - Always at the top of my list! Even though we are miles apart...

*Friends - Where would we be without the love and support of our BFF's?

*Health - Can you walk, talk, breathe, eat?  I have had several family members with ALS (2 couldn't walk, 1 had trouble breathing)  Another had throat cancer and couldn't talk, and had to eat with a feeding tube. Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn't it???

*Pets - Any kind that makes you smile!

*Sunsets and sunrises


*A cup of coffee

*A good book

*You have a job!

*Running water and a hot bath!

The list goes on and on if you look around.  I'm not saying we can avoid all of the negative things, but you don't have to dwell on it.  There is so much beauty around us...take the time to notice!

Focus more on the positive and see how your life changes!!!

I'd love to hear what you are thankful for!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Goodbye to Dieting

     Like many of you, I have been battling my weight for a long time.  Some say it's because of our Cajun Culture.  Yes, many of the things we eat are not very healthy for us!  Of course, I can't eat that way all the time.... I try to counteract the unhealthy foods with healthy ones whenever I can.

     I have tried many, many diets in the past.  At this point, I think I have dieted my way to this weight.  When I think back to how I used to eat and never gain weight, and how I eat now and STILL NOT losing weight, it's very unnerving!

     I came across this video recently and it really hit a nerve.  Since my son and his family moved, I needed something to focus on.  Evidently I chose my diet.  What to eat, what not to eat, how to combine foods, low carb, high fat, daily/weekly weigh ins, etc.... ugh!

     After watching this video, I think it's time for a change.  So, I will give this a try.  What do I have to lose?  Evidently my way isn't working...
    Focus my energy outward - eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full. (This does not mean pigging out!)  Maybe I will volunteer to help others.  So many possibilities.    Who knows, I may be happier in the long run because I will be able to enjoy life more.  Not just on what I am eating.  Life is really too short to do that!

     Let me know what you think.   I hope this will help you too!



Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Jezzebelle's Puppies Have Their New Homes

     The puppies made it to six weeks old and the time came to say goodbye.  We have sent them to their new homes.   Hopefully, they love the new families they have gone to.  I have to admit, it was a difficult process for me.  The whole letting go process is tough...  We watched her give birth and take care of them.  She was a very good mother.  It was so much fun watching the six of them play and learn new things.  We got pretty attached to them all!

     Although we had a wonderful time with the puppies, we have decided not to breed Jezzebelle again.  It really took a lot out of her.  She didn't handle the puppies leaving well either.  She searched our vehicles, the house, the camp and everywhere outside looking for them.  Even though I brought her with me to bring a few of them to their new owners.  It was heartbreaking!

     After many tears (from me), we said goodbye to them.   She's back to her usual self (active as ever).  She is scheduled to be spayed soon.   Life goes back to normal...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Jezzebelle's A Mom

     We recently had 6 new additions to the family!  Our jack russell terrier Jezzebelle had a litter of 6 puppies.  One female and five males!  It has been an adventure watching them grow and seeing their personalities develop!  They are precious....

Jezzebelle has been a really good mama for her first litter.  They are so healthy!  It will be hard to place them in new homes, but keeping all of them is impossible!  I know they will bring their new owners much joy and many smiles....

Thursday, May 1, 2014


     The one word no parent wants to hear from their children in the military....deployment!

     I have heard it three times from my Navy son in a 7 year period.   He has been on two ship deployments and one to Afghanistan.
    My Army son said it recently for the first time.  He has been on a short, sudden deployment. As he returns home to the states, I can breathe a little easier...
    Deployment is a very trying time for all military families.  You waver between being worried sick and being very proud.  Your cell phone NEVER leaves your side, just in case they call you. You stop watching the news, because it's too upsetting.  You send packages so they have little reminders of home.  A song on the radio will make you cry- happened to me in a store of all places.  You pray... a lot!
     I never really knew what military families went through.  We didn't have anyone in our family in the military before our sons joined.  It has been an eye-opening experience to say the least!  It makes you appreciate family.  You learn not to take things for granted.  You get a quick lesson on what's really important in life.  It's not how much money you make, how big your house is, your job, or the kind of car you drive...

     We are stronger than we think we are.  I am not talking just about military families.  Everyone has their own battles to fight.  You have to believe that you can handle anything that comes your way, even though you may be knocked down for awhile.  The hard times won't last forever.  The sun will rise and you will smile and be happy again!

      I found this poem on a military mom's website before my Navy sons second deployment.  This sums it up.  Yes, it made me cry...


People say they understand, but really they have no clue,
Of the turmoil and pain, that you must begin to walk through.
That baby boy that you carried cradled right up under your heart,
Has now become a man preparing to depart,
To a land far away, full of uncertainty for each day.

A Mother’s heart has been dealt a blow, a piece of it has been ripped apart,
As she sinks to a place so low, that no one should have to go.
Many have walked this path, many have carried this pain,
A heart beating so fast, tears falling like a cold, cruel rain.

And some where from within, she rises from her wounded heart,
To continue to pray and support her son as he departs.
The road will not be easy, the pain will be severe,
There is a choice to be made . . . a choice to always persevere.

As she now has become a Blue Star mother,
Because of the decision he has made,
Her little boy, her American Patriot,
Now joins the ranks of the brave.

Though her heart is ripped with pain,
Her heart must go on and on,
Beating with everlasting love and pride,
Waiting for her Patriot to come home.

Please pray for all of our military....thank you!

Monday, April 14, 2014


     My mom used to make brisket every New Year's Day - it was something we looked forward to!  When you have an oven and time, cooking is pretty easy...


1/2 of a large brisket
Tony Chachere's Seasoning Mix
Garlic Powder
4 cups water or beef broth

Put brisket in large roasting pan.  Cover with seasoning (you can use whatever seasoning you like).  Add 4 cups of water to bottom of pan.  Do not throw away the juice at the bottom!  You can use that as a gravy. Cover and cook at 350 degrees for about 3 hours, basting every 30 minutes or so.  I cook it until it falls apart when you stick it with a fork.

I only cook 1/2 the brisket at a time because I am not feeding that many people usually.  If you are having a large gathering, or have a big family, cook the whole thing.  Cook it at least 4 hours though!

If you have any leftovers, add bar-be-q sauce to the meat and bake it at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes. Put the meat into a hamburger bun or french bread.  Eat it as a pulled brisket sandwich!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Best Brownines I Ever Made

   I have tried all kinds of brownies, but this is my favorite!  It's not hard either...I always have trouble with the edge of the brownies being too crunchy.  I have tried lowering the oven temperature, and decreasing the baking time.  Adding icing to it and letting it sit awhile took care of that problem.  They were even better the day after I made them!  Very moist and divine....


1 box brownie mix - bake according to directions on box.  I like a moist, not cake type brownie.  Let cool before pouring icing on top.

For Icing:

1/2 cup cocoa
1/4 cup milk
2 cups powdered sugar
1 Tablespoon vanilla
1/2 cup melted butter

Mix all ingredients in a small pot and heat until everything is melted.
Pour over cooked brownie while it's still in baking pan.

Sprinkle with 1/2 cup chopped pecans.

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pumpkin Souffle

     After 34 years of cooking pretty much EVERYDAY, I get pretty bored with cooking the same dishes day in and day out... So this recipe kind of changes it up a bit!  It's a remake of the Piccadilly Restaurant's Carrot Souffle recipe. I looked in the pantry and found a can of pumpkin (ran out of carrots) and decided to make a souffle. We don't like it too sweet, so I cut the sugar quite a bit from the original recipe.  This one is so good!  It's almost like dessert instead of just a side dish...

Pumpkin Souffle

1 can pumpkin
1/4 cup sugar
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1  teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons flour
3 eggs
2 Tablespoons melted butter
Powdered sugar to sprinkle on top

In mixing bowl, add pumpkin, sugar, baking powder and vanilla.  Whip until smooth.  Add flour and mix well.  Whip eggs in separate bowl, then add them and the butter to the mix.  Blend well.  Spray baking dish with cooking spray.  Pour mix into dish - should be about half full- the souffle will rise.  Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.  

Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar and serve!

     If you want to change the recipe and use carrots, that is delicious too!  I tried using 1-3/4 cups whole, peeled carrots.  You need to boil them first, then mash them up.  I decided that was too much work, so the next time I tried it, I used a can of carrots.  Made it go much quicker!!!  You decide how you want to do it, depending on how much time you have.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tabasco Sauce

     This is an interesting article and video on CBS News -60 Minutes Overtime, about Tabasco Sauce made at Avery Island,  Louisiana!

Tabasco goes in many dishes here... You can buy it almost everywhere, so give it a try to add some spice to your food!  (See links at bottom of page.)

 Link for the article:

   Where is Avery Island?  If ever you are in the area, it is a MUST see- Just beautiful!  Here's the link to Avery Island:  http://www.tabasco.com/avery-island/

Links if you'd like to order some:



Try some today!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

No Mess Bacon

    I don't know about you, but I love bacon!  Although, I don't like the mess that COOKING it makes... My son told me how he cooks his. (We are never too old to learn from our children!)

After trying this, I will never cook bacon the old way again!

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with Pam Cooking Spray.  I used a 12 oz. package of thick sliced bacon.  Lay out the strips of bacon on the sheet.  Bake 10 minutes, then flip the strips over. Bake another 7-8 minutes.

That's it! There was no grease flying everywhere, and no stove top to clean! It doesn't get any easier than that!!!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Homemade Dish Washing Detergent

    Now that I made laundry detergent, I thought I'd try dishwasher detergent.  This is even easier than the laundry detergent!  So there is no excuse not to try.  Each load only cost about a nickel.... No sale or coupon, that I know of,  will get you dishwasher soap that cheap!


1 cup Borax
1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
1/2 cup Kosher Salt
3/4 cups Lemi Shine

All of these ingredients are at Walmart- check the laundry section and the dish detergent sections.

Mix all ingredients together and put in container.  Leave container open (stir occasionally).  Be sure not to skip this step, otherwise you will end up with a large BRICK!  The next day, stir again and close container.  Use 1 Tablespoon per load.    Makes enough for about 50 loads.

*You could double recipe, but try it this way first.  If you don't like it, you won't waste much! 

Let me know how these are working for you or if you have better recipes- I am open to all new ideas!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homemade Laundry Soap

     I know we are probably all trying to save a little money, so I thought I'd try to make my own laundry soap.   How hard could it be, right? As it turns out, not hard at all.  The great thing is, you can save quite a bit of money too!  I found all of the ingredients at Walmart.


1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
1/2 bar Fels-Naptha Soap
2 cups water

Heat 2 cups water in sauce pan.  Grate the 1/2 bar of soap (this is important!) It will not work if you just chop it into chunks!  Add the soap to the water and stir on medium heat until the soap is dissolved.

 Using a 5 gallon bucket, fill it about 1/4 full with hot tap water.

Add the Borax and Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda to the 5 gallon bucket of hot water. Stir until dissolved.  Then add the soap mixture (from the saucepan) to the bucket and stir well.  Add more hot water to the 5 gallon bucket until it is 1/2 full. Stir again.  Cover bucket with lid.

Let sit overnight.  It will be thick in the morning. Stir again and use a funnel to put the detergent in containers. I used old Hawaiian Punch bottles and a used laundry detergent bottle to store the detergent in.  Fill the container to about 3/4 full and then add water to top it off. Shake well before using.

It may be a little work, but I got about 3-1/2 gallons of detergent for less than $2.00!

Give it a try!!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cajun Winter Wonderland

     I couldn't help sharing some of these photos from the past couple of weeks here in South Louisiana.  Sorry about the quality of some of the photos.  My camera broke, so I had to use my cell phone....

     For those of you who live further north, this is a common sight.  Down here,  we RARELY see anything like this!  This is about as close to a winter wonderland as we get... just beautiful!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lots of Lemons

Have you every wondered what to do with all of the lemons you have on your lemon tree?  This is what I do with mine...
Just clean them and slice them in half.  Juice them (I did mine by hand, but if you have a juicer, it would go a lot quicker!) and put the juice in ice cube trays until frozen.  I store them in Ziploc bags. 
All through the year, I use the cubes to make lemonade or I just add 1 cube to a 20+ ounce glass of water to make lemon water.  (I drink a LOT of water every day, so this adds a little flavor!)

Easy Lemonade

4-5 cubes lemon juice
2 quarts water
1/2 - 1 cup sugar

Mix all ingredients together and let sit for a few hours so flavors can mix. 


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hush Puppies

  These hush puppies are a great side dish for fried chicken, fried catfish, or fried shrimp.   I don't make these very often, but when I do, we really enjoy them!   

Hush Puppies

1-1/2 cups cornmeal
1/2 cup self rising flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 small chopped onion
1 cup milk
1 egg

Mix dry ingredients together, then add wet ingredients.  Mix well.  Fry in 350 degree oil.  Drop by teaspoonfuls into heated oil.  Let cook 2-3 minutes on each side.  Drain on paper towels.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Painted Living Room

  This past summer, I decided to repaint my living room.  I was bored with the neutral paint that was on the walls.  When we built this house, we put mostly neutrals in here.  That's what most homes had at the time.  The only problem with that is, it looks so masculine! 
I thought it needed some color!  It was a risky endeavor, but I jumped in with both feet.  Since my favorite color is blue, I decided on a  color named hydrangea.  It's Valspar Signature paint + primer.  One coat coverage!  What's not to love about that?  It really did cover the walls with one coat.  Thank goodness, because it took me about 8 hours to paint those walls!  I was NOT looking forward to repeating the process.... 
We have an open floor plan that connects to a small hall- that leads to the bedrooms.   I had to paint around the kitchen cabinets, 8 doors and 3 windows...phew!  That's why it took me so long- so much trimming to do.
Anyway, here are some of the before, during and after photos:




I am still working on de-cluttering and deciding where to put artwork and pictures back up.  One thing I realized was that I have too much STUFF!

This may not be your color, but if you'd like to repaint a room in your home, be bold and do it!  Don't worry about what others will think.  Home is a place where you should feel safe, at peace and comfortable.  It should be a reflection of you and the things that you love.